arabica-coffee - ARABICA COFFEE is ARABICOL
5 tips to make great coffee

5 tips to make great coffee

5 tips to make great coffee

Colombian Arabica coffee is recognized worldwide for its quality, and here we offer you some tips to prepare Colombian coffee that will enhance its flavor to the maximum.


Always look for the freshest coffee. It is better that the time between its production and its preparation is shorter: experts recommend buying small quantities of coffee, that is to say, containers of less than 250 grams so as not to store it in the cupboard.


Select the best brands and species of coffee in the market, research a little more about the places of coffee production and its processes. Opting for the Arabica variety of Arabicol Special selection Coffee is a good choice.


Choose coffee beans over ground coffee. The procedure of grinding coffee at home allows it to better conserve its aroma and its flavor to be intact at the time of consumption.


Be careful with the proportions between the amount of coffee and the amount of water, because you can obtain a very bitter coffee or one with no taste. And, above all, remember not to overdo it with the amount of sugar.


Reserve the coffee in airtight, clean, opaque containers, free of strange aromas, away from sunlight.

Colombian Coffee one of the best of the world

Ways to prepare a good coffee

After these tips to prepare a good coffee, we bring you 5 more tips to prepare arabica coffee like never before.

1. The “tinto” coffee is the most common and richest way of consuming Colombian coffee, its preparation is elaborated with a greca filtering pot or coffee brewer. A small amount of Arabicol Special Selection Coffee is added, hot water and it is ready.

2. The carajillo is another well known way of preparing coffee, this is prepared as a “tinto” coffee, but a liqueur such as rum or brandy is added. It is similar to the Irish coffee with whiskey and whipped cream.

3. Changing the classic hot presentation and opting for a cold coffee is also valid, it is only necessary to freeze a few cubes of coffee the night before and serve it in a glass with milk.

4. Cappuccino is a great way to enjoy sweet coffee. It is accompanied with creamy milk and a thick foam, and sometimes a little whipped cream or cinnamon powder is added to accompany the flavor.

5. Finally, one of the eccentric ways of preparing coffee is the Hong Kong style; a traditional Southeast Asian blend that includes coffee along with tea and milk.

Coffee is a beverage that is part of our daily life, therefore, you should find diverse ways to consume it, but above all, look for the best coffee in the market that is surely found in Colombia. We hope that these 5 tips for preparing coffee have been useful for you.

Arabica Colombian Coffee
Where to buy arabica coffee in orlando and the United States

Where to buy arabica coffee in orlando and the United States

Where to buy arabica coffee in Orlando and the United States

The United States is a place full of possibilities for all tastes and activities. Many cultures converge there and you can learn about their history and flavors. In addition, you can find all kinds of foods, although what brings us here today is where to buy coffee, especially its arabica variety. Find out more!

From the Middle East to Europe, from Mexico to Argentina, coffee has for us a great variety of nuances, aromas, textures and flavors that have been the center of attention of a large market that benefits producers, distributors and clients. 

Colombian Coffee one of the best of the world

Coffee, a whole culture in the United States

In this country, the most famous places for coffee experiences are distributed among the states of California, Florida and New York, although specialty places can always be found in almost any state and city.

Some of the highest rated throughout the United States are:

Dayglow, en Los Ángeles, CA. Sey Coffee, en Brooklyn, NY. King State Coffee, en Tampa, FL.

The coffee shopping experience in Orlando, Florida

Where to buy coffee? Currently, in Orlando you can find more than 20 spectacular specialty coffee places that, in addition to opening their stores to the public, have the option of buying coffee online.

Coffee lovers, both experts, enthusiasts and beginners, will always prefer the live experience, since, in many cases, in addition to the universe of complexity represented by its flavor and aroma, coffee is a spectacle that also offers edible pieces of art and signature preparations. All this in addition to the traditional desserts, ice cream, bakery and hot and cold coffee-based preparations that can be found.

What is the most recommended coffee variety for a coffee experience?

Although in the market you will find 5 main species of coffee, when thinking of buying coffee in Orlando, the preferred ones are Liberica, Canephora and Arabica, where the most outstanding is the last one, which is originally from Ethiopia (formerly Yemen), but is currently cultivated all over the world. However, it is in Colombia where high quality varieties are obtained, famous for their exotic shades, product of specialized cultivations in which the coffee plant grows close to trees or fruit bushes to obtain unique beans. Buy Coffee online. (Button to the arabicol store)

B: Coffea arabica or arabica coffee is the coffee with the best flavor in the market, among the 125 identified species, but this also depends on its origin, processing methods, ways of preparation, among others. Here we show you 5 tips to prepare coffee and enjoy it much more.

Arabica Colombian Coffee
“Special Selection Coffee” is best enjoyed whit these tips

“Special Selection Coffee” is best enjoyed whit these tips

Enjoy an Arabica coffee

Arabica coffee is the most consumed and the protagonist of the success of this beverage in world trade. The origins of this species go back to Africa and, until today, it is cultivated in Latin America with plantations that reach 10 meters in height.

Arabica coffee is a fruit of the coffee tree that has been consumed in every country on the planet since the sixth century. In addition to this fame, this beverage provides us with an excellent aroma.

The Arabica species is the only one that is harvested in Colombia, which is why it is considered characteristic of this nation.

Colombian Coffee one of the best of the world

How to drink Arabica coffee?

If you want to know how to drink Arabica coffee properly, we recommend you follow these steps:

1. Buy the arabica coffee of “The Dali Coffee” from the region of your preference in our virtual store with the certainty that it is a 100% Colombian coffee.

2. When you have the gourmet coffee in your hands, choose the size and grind it.

3. Open a large bottle of water and boil it.

4. Measure the amount according to the cups you will prepare (1 cup equals 2 teaspoons).

5. Wash and disinfect all the utensils you will use.

6. Choose the equipment among piston, manual, automatic, espresso, steam and prepare it.

7. Enjoy your coffee.

Don’t forget that, although there are several ways to prepare it, the most important thing is that you use bottled water and that you have the utensils properly disinfected.

Have a good cup of coffee

People who are lovers of good coffee recognize that the Colombian variety has a clean cup, body, denomination and guarantee of origin. Elements that certify the excellent quality of the coffee.

The Colombian coffee regions par excellence are Cauca, Antioquia, Santander, Quindío, Risaralda and Caldas. Territories where hundreds of thousands of farming families plant mocha in 3.3 million hectares.

You will consider the coffees of The Dali Coffee because they have protected geographical identification (IGP) of the European Union and the triangular logo of the program 100 % Colombian Coffee of Juan Valdez in the packing. Enjoy an Arabica coffee and drink it safely thanks to the class verifications that all our products pass.

Recommendations of accompaniments

In Colombia we usually drink our coffee pure and accompanied by milk, powdered cinnamon, desserts, whipped cream, arepas, eggs and paisa platter.

The best Arabica coffee is in The Dali Coffee and you can find it in our virtual store. You will be convinced that the beans are 100% Colombian because of the quality seals that our product has. We also guarantee the denomination of origin and the IGP of the coffee zones of Colombia.

Do not hesitate and follow our advice on how to prepare Arabic coffee.

Arabica Colombian Coffee
Arabica Coffee, more than supreme

Arabica Coffee, more than supreme

Arabica Coffee, more than supreme. 

If you have ever had the experience of buying coffee online and then enjoying it at home, you will know that Arabica coffee is one of the favorite varieties of the regular consumers of this exceptional beverage. Also those who do not consider themselves sybarites are conquered by the unique flavor.

We tell you that this variety of coffee belongs to the family of Rubiaceae bushes, which covers approximately 60% of the production of this product worldwide.

The seed is known by the same name and, after being submitted to the production process, it offers a coffee with fruity touches, high acidity, medium body and perfumed and floral aromas.

Arabica coffee characteristics

There are characteristics of this variety of coffee that have made it famous internationally and that have positioned it among the two most cultivated species. We detail them for you:

– Caffeine level: This variety of coffee is cultivated at a higher altitude than the Robusta variety, which makes its caffeine content lower. This varies between 0.9% and 1.7%, while in the Robusta variety it can reach up to 2.7%.

– Shades: Very perfumed and sweet, in addition to light acidity and ample flavor shades.

– Plantation: If the trees have free growth, they can reach between 4 and 6 meters high.

– Sweetness: This species of coffee has 60% more sugars than the Robusta variety.

The Colombian Arabica coffee stands out in the market due to the excellent quality of the coffee, which is the reason why the South American country is the world reference in producing and exporting this product.

Today, buying coffee from home is possible thanks to the boom in online coffee stores. Through them, we can buy Arabica coffee in different varieties:

– Typical: Although it is produced in Colombia, this version has origins in Africa. It is a variety of high bearing. This characteristic and the excellent flavor make it the best of the Arabica species. To preserve the excellent quality, it is harvested under the shade.

– Bourbon: Originally from the Reunion Island, but also produced in Colombia, it adapts to any height, which makes it the most appreciated in the market.

– Tabi: It is a hybrid variety of the two previous ones, ideal for the preparation of specialty coffees. It is 80% superior to the supreme coffee.

– Caturra: This is a variety of the bourbon, naturally mutated from this species, although the plant is usually smaller. It is also considered to be a variety of high portage.

If you want to experience the pleasure of the best coffees in the world, we recommend this variety, an excellent option to start your mornings. And the best thing of all is that now you can order your coffee online from home.

Arabica Colombian Coffee
Colombian coffee is one of the best in the world

Colombian coffee is one of the best in the world

Colombian coffee is one of the best in the world

Have you ever wondered why it is said to be one of the best coffees in the world? Why is it a coffee with unique attributes?

The sowing of this crop is ancient and has marked the recognition and economic growth of Colombia as a world reference for coffee lands.

History of Colombian Coffee. How did it get started?

Coffee has being the second most consumed beverage in the world for centuries. The entry of the coffee tree was gradual with the passage of time within the nation.

The events were continuous and crucial, setting the tone for a start with expectations and rapid growth, which occurred in the following years or periods.

When did Colombian coffee begin to be planted?


The bean is introduced by the Jesuits, who brought it to New Granada (the old name of the country). Another version fits the introduction by a traveler from Venezuela who brings the seed of the Arabic coffee from the territory of Guayana.


It begins with the expansion and planting of the Arabic coffee plant in Tolima, Cundinamarca and other surrounding areas.


A group of businessmen and coffee growers decided to create the Federation of Colombian Coffee Growers (FNC) and the National Association of Coffee Exporters (Asoexport). In this way, the crop positions and strengthens the coffee sector.

The sector begins with the consolidation and start of exports, which affected the economic growth of the nation. From there, strong and strengthened relationships were created in the international market with North Americans, Europeans and Japanese.


Similarly, in mid-1959, the Juan Valdez brand was sponsored as an icon and representation of the coffee growers of Bogotá (Colombian capital), before the world public that maintains receptivity and gives value to the coffee tree par excellence.

From there, Colombian coffee is consolidated as a product with a distinctive seal, capable of creating a symbolic and significant world market for Colombia, promoting it as a land of tradition, quality and coffee experience.

Where is Colombian coffee grown?

According to the origin of the grain, you will be able to appreciate a flavor with unique and exclusive characteristics of the place. There are different zones where Colombian coffee is produced:


This mountainous area has an average height of 1758 meters above sea level and a temperature of 12.3 ° C to 12.5 ° C, giving Cauca the ideal conditions to allow 95 thousand coffee growers to harvest a bean with caramel aromas.

The region’s coffee tree has high acidity with a sweet and floral note, which adds an attractive touch to the coffee.


This name comes from the native forests of the area, where the climate is temperate and the temperature is uniform. It stands out for being a pioneering department in the field.

When you drink a cup of Santander coffee you will enjoy fruity notes with a touch of herbal aroma and medium body of the infusion, divine and exquisite when you taste it!


It is a region with valleys and mountains located at 1500 meters high. It has variable and seasonal climates depending to summer and winter. It is an area of ​​the Colombian coffee region, characterized by the production of grains with sweet aromas and medium acidity, which is attractive for producers in the area.


It’s situated at 1500 meters above sea level, with temperatures ranging from 24°C to 27°C. It has a deep-rooted and ancient tradition of sowing, dating back approximately 150 years.

The characteristics of the grain are given by an herbal fragrance with a sweet touch, acidity and medium body in the infusion.


The grain is grown in fertile valleys and snow-capped volcanoes located at 1,200 meters above sea level, with constant temperatures of 13 ° C and fertile soils that favor the planting of 67,000 coffee families.

So, the coffee of the area has qualities of intense aroma with touches of fruit, caramel fragrance and thick body without exceeding the thickness of the drink.

What the optimal conditions for growing Colombian coffee are?

The parameters to considered during the sowing of the coffee plant are:

Location and weather

The land is situated at 1200 to 1800 meters above sea level and guarantees an exposure to sunlight and little cloudiness, suitable for the development of the crop.

In addition, annual rainfall of less than 1500mm is favored, ideal for the development of the coffee plantation.


It is recommended to plant in lands with sunlight hours located between 1800 to 2000 hours per year. In this way, the photonic energy vital for the photosynthesis of the Colombian coffee plantations is provided.


By knowing the traceability and origin, it’s possible to determine the size of the bag and the types of fertilizers needed to ensure the anchorage, absorption and growth of the plant.

What are the characteristics and value attributes of Colombian Coffee are?

Among its own and exclusive attributes that allow it to distinguish itself as a gourmet par excellence, the following factors stand out:


It releases a sweet and caramel smell, appetizing as a penetrating and permanent fragrance for a long time in the public that decides to consume it as an exquisite drink.


It has soft sweet, semi-acid or fruity notes, depending on the area where it’s grown, being a pleasant characteristic to the palate.


It’s balanced with medium thickness, which gives it strength and caffeine concentration, giving it a delicious touch when tasting the cup of the infusion.


This attribute is medium and causes a sensation on the tip of the tongue, as a sign of an original coffee with sweet and appetizing notes.

Where can I find coffee with a Colombian stamp?

In Dali Arabica Special Selection we want to set the standard and exclusivity by offering you arabica coffee planted, grown and processed in Colombia. In this way, we want to preserve the quality in the seed of the product.

In addition, we guarantee the origin of each crop, being a unique attribute and premium differential, contact us!

For all this and more, Colombian Coffee is one of the best in the world BUY HERE !!! 

Arabica Colombian Coffee
Arabica coffee: What is it and what are its types?

Arabica coffee: What is it and what are its types?

Arabica coffee: What is it and what are its types?

Arabica coffee: What is it and what are its types?

Do you know about Arabica coffee? Do you know where the coffee tree grows?

The plantations of the Arabic bushes have an ancient origin and their sowing, allows to obtain different varieties of coffee and grains with unique characteristics, discover it by reading below!

Arabica coffee can be understood as a very high quality type of coffee. It is thanks to the fact that it’s planted in special environmental conditions such as the height above sea level in which it’s harvested.

Arabica Coffee: How is it defined?

In the world it has been recognized as gourmet coffee from a plant with the scientific name of Coffee Arabica.

Its origin is reported in the southwestern and mountainous areas of Ethiopia located at an altitude of 1300 to 200 meters. After a couple of years, in 575 A.D. the Arabs and Persians brought the grain to start their plantations.

From there, the seed was moved to African lands and then taken to Europe in 1713. It is from this European progeny that the cultivation of the grain in Latin America began.

Thus, in the middle of 1713 to 1723, the planting of the coffee plant in different areas of America was started. In particular, the seed was introduced in Colombia and expanded as a large-scale production system within its perimeter and mountainous areas at altitudes of 800 to 1200 meters above sea level.

The characteristics and morphological parameters of Arabica coffee include:


It presents a length of 50 or more centimeters of depth, essential to form the root system that helps the anchorage and allows the growth of the bush.


Structure area indispensable for the vertical development of the plant. In addition, it has nodes and internodes, where the lateral branches are fixed and from there the flowers in the reproductive phase of the plant.


Variable organ according to the species of the coffee tree and responsible for promoting photosynthesis, necessary for the productive phase of the bush.

Flowers and Fruits

The flowering time is seasonal and the appearance of the flower is conditioned by the climatic conditions.

On the other hand, the fruit takes 7 to 8 months to ripen and has a red or yellow cover depending on the variety, which serves as a cover for 2 seeds in the shape of a 10 to 17 mm grape.

Finally, Arabic coffee is an ancient variety with unique characteristics in terms of: its aroma, texture and sweet taste with less caffeine in relation to other species.

Based on these qualities, the Arabica coffee plant has set the standards within the world trade for countries in America such as: Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela.

Types of Arabica coffee

Among the varieties highlighted and recognized by their management for planting plantations, are:


The trees are tall with approximately 5 meters, being appreciable the distance between branches and knots in relation to other varieties. Regularly, the leaves, cherries and green beans are elongated with bronzed leaf tips when young.

It’s commonly known as the Arabic tree or bird. At the end of the fructification process, fruits are obtained that allow elaborating a sweet and aromatic coffee.


It has a height of 5 meters and a greater quantity of wide green leaves compared to Typical. In addition, the trunks are thick and the branches are abundant.

The cherries are rounded with a reddish, orange or yellow tone during their ripening.  In addition, the yield obtained from the plantation is 30% more in analogy a-typical.


It’s a variety resulting from the natural mutation of Bourbon; however, Caturra has a height of less than 5 meters with a short and narrow trunk, but with side branches with greater proportion.

As for the leaves, they have wavy edges and green tips. The cherries are red or yellow at maturity.


This variety has branches at the back with a 45 to 50° angle of inclination. Also, the trunk and branches are thin with soft and elongated leaves.

The fruit has a semi-citrus and sweet taste with a floral smell, reminiscent of jasmine, delicious and attractive!

Where is Arabica coffee grown?

Currently, countries located in Latin America such as Colombia and Brazil, have temperatures located at 19 to 21.5°C and geographical latitudes from 1200 to 1800 m.a.s.l. appropriate to obtain a significant performance in relation to European or Asian nations.

It should be noted that Colombia has a production of 1 million tons per area of land annually. As a result, the country has promoted the export of this product, as a profitable alternative and with economic contributions for the growth and impulse of the Latin nation.

In addition, Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, is characterized by exporting more than 95% of the coffee plant produced to a world market, coupled with the regulatory norms of export, being receptive and giving value to the special attributes that define gourmet Arabica coffee.

So, day by day, the coffee grower, due to his experience and knowledge in planting, has perfected variables of climatic conditions, location (mountainous areas), and selection of seed variety. Achieving satisfactory and profitable results in income and improvement of the applied technique.

Therefore, the art of cultivating the coffee plant has become an icon and symbol that identifies the Colombian nation. Since it is a marketing mechanism capable of generating considerable economic income for the grower who decides to start with the planting of the Gourmet Arabic fruit.

If you are interested in trying a good Arabica coffee, do not hesitate to BUY HERE !!! 

Arabica Colombian Coffee